A surveyon cognition of HPV and itsvaccine among 312 grass roots medical staffs in Shanghai
中文关键词: 基层医务人员  人类乳头瘤病毒  疫苗
英文关键词: Grass roots medical staffs  Human papilloma virus  Vaccine
胡淑怡 200062 上海 上海市妇幼保健中心妇保科, 科教科  
李力 400042 重庆 陆军特色医学中心妇产科  
胡晓宇 200062 上海 上海市妇幼保健中心妇保科, 科教科  
杜莉 200062 上海 上海市妇幼保健中心妇保科, 科教科  
岳雅琪 200120 上海 上海浦东南码头社区卫生服务中心急传科  
朱丽萍 200062 上海 上海市妇幼保健中心妇保科, 科教科 shzhuliping@163.com 
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      目的 了解上海市基层医务人员对人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)及其疫苗相关知识的认知情况。方法 根据调查目标自行设计关于HPV及其疫苗相关知识的调查问卷,通过简单随机抽样选取上海3家社区卫生服务中心基层医务人员填写问卷,并对问卷调查数据进行分析。结果 共发放问卷339份,回收有效问卷312份,调查对象HPV知晓率为97.4%,HPV疫苗知晓率为96.1%;≤48岁女性医务人员HPV疫苗接种率为32.6%(n=242),11.2%的调查对象不愿将来给自己子女接种HPV疫苗,在尚未接种的≤45岁女性医务[JP2]工作者中,34.7%(52/150)的调查对象不愿意接种HPV疫苗。年龄小于26岁(OR=0.186;95%CI:0.063~0.547)、职业为医生或者护士(OR=0.186;95%CI:0.063~0.547)是接种HPV疫苗的保护因素。结论 上海市基层医务人员HPV及其疫苗知晓率较高,但对其相关知识存在薄弱点,应针对其HPV及疫苗接种知识的薄弱点,加强健康培训。
      Objective To explore the knowledge and attitude of grass roots medical staffs in Shanghai on human papilloma virus (HPV) and its vaccine.Methods According to the survey objectives, a self-designed questionnaire of HPV and its vaccine related knowledge was used. Through random cluster sampling, grass roots medical staff from three community health service centers in Shanghai were selected to fill the questionnaires and the data were analyzed.Results A total of 312 valid questionnaires were collected, the result indicated that awareness rate of HPV and HPV vaccine was 97.4% and 96.1% respectively, and the HPV vaccination coverage rate of the female grass roots medical staffs aged 48 and younger was 32.6%(n=242). 11.2% of respondents would not vaccinate their children against HPV in the future, among female health workers aged 45 and under who had not been vaccinated (n=150), 34.7% of the survey respondents did not want to be vaccinated against HPV. Younger than 26 years (OR=0.186;95%CI:0.063~0.547), doctors or nurses (OR=0.186;95%CI: 0.063~0.547) was a protective factor for HPV vaccination.Conclusions The awareness rate of HPV and vaccination among grass roots medical staffs in Shanghai is relatively higher, but there are still some related weak points, hence health education for HPV and its vaccination knowledge weakness should be strengthened.
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