Analysis of psychological status, quality of life and sexual function of female infertility patients in Ma’anshan City
中文关键词: 不孕症  心理状况  生活质量  性功能  睡眠质量
英文关键词: Sterility  Psychological status  Quality of life  Sexual function  Sleep quality
叶希平 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
舒娜 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
潘维君 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心 274843086@qq.com 
陈红霞 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
张元宝 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
黄存 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
徐晓莲 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
艾风连 243000 安徽马鞍山 马鞍山市妇幼保健院生殖医学中心  
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      目的 分析马鞍山市女性不孕患者心理状况、生活质量、性功能现状,为临床对症处理不孕女性心理问题及提高临床妊娠率提供科学依据。方法 选取2021年1~10月于马鞍山妇幼保健院接受辅助生殖技术(ART)治疗的女性不孕症患者200例作为ART组,另按照年龄进行1∶1∶1匹配,选取同时期本院生殖门诊收治的已婚女性200例作为门诊组,选取同时期在本院体检的已婚健康女性200例作为对照组。记录并比较3组研究对象基线资料及症状自评量表(SCL-90)评分、焦虑自评量表(SAS)评分、抑郁自评量表(SDS)评分、生活质量量表(SF-36)评分、女性性功能指数(FSFI)评分以及匹茨堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)评分的差异。结果 ART组SCL-90评分(216.41±23.82)分、SAS评分(52.13±6.25)分、SDS评分(54.51±6.09)分均高于门诊组、对照组(P<0.05)。ART组躯体功能(62.76±6.19)分、生理职能(64.38±6.74)分、机体疼痛(63.55±6.98)分、总体健康(60.72±6.48)分、活力(57.36±5.99)分、社会功能(62.57±5.53)分、情感职能(56.43±5.92)分、精神健康(62.94±6.62)分均低于门诊组、对照组(P<0.05)。ART组性欲(6.24±1.03)分、性唤起(9.31±1.47)分、阴道润滑(9.93±1.28)分、性高潮(8.29±0.95)分、满意度(8.46±1.21)分、疼痛(10.25±1.08)分均低于门诊组、对照组(P<0.05)。ART组睡眠质量(2.28±0.32)分、入睡时间(1.97±0.26)分、睡眠时间(2.16±0.35)分、睡眠效率(2.01±0.29)分、睡眠障碍(2.16±0.34)分、催眠药物(1.83±0.26)分及日间功能障碍(2.18±0.29)分均高于门诊组、对照组(P<0.05)。结论 马鞍山市女性不孕接受ART治疗患者心理状况、睡眠质量、生活质量及性生活质量均较差,应给予适当的心理干预,提升其生活品质,以期改善该类患者妊娠结局。
      Objective To analyze the psychological status, quality of life and sexual function of female infertility patients in Ma’anshan city, so as to provide scientific basis for clinical symptomatic treatment of psychological problems of infertile women and improving clinical pregnancy rate. Methods Two hundred female infertility patients treated with ART in Ma’anshan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from Jan 2021 to Oct 2021 were selected as the ART group; in addition, 1∶1∶1 matching was performed according to age, 200 married women admitted to the Reproductive Clinic of our hospital at the same time were selected as the outpatient group, and 200 married healthy women who underwent physical examination in our hospital at the same time were selected as the control group. The baseline data, SCL-90 score, SAS score, SDS score, SF-36 score, FSFI score and PSQI score of the three groups were recorded and compared. Results The SCL-90 score (216.41±23.82) points, SAS score (52.13±6.25) points and SDS score (54.51±6.09) points of the ART group were higher than those of the outpatient group and the control group (P<0.05). The physical function (62.76±6.19) points, physiological function (64.38±6.74) points, body pain (63.55±6.98) points, overall health (60.72±6.48) points, vitality (57.36±5.99) points, social function (62.57±5.53) points, emotional function (56.43±5.92) points and mental health (62.94±6.62) points of the ART group were lower than those of the outpatient group and the control group (P<0.05). The sexual desire (6.24±1.03) points, sexual arousal (9.31±1.47) points, vaginal lubrication (9.93±1.28) points, orgasm (8.29±0.95) points, satisfaction (8.46±1.21) points and pain (10.25±1.08) points of the ART group were lower than those of the outpatient group and the control group (P<0.05). The sleep quality (2.28±0.32) points, sleep time (1.97±0.26) points, sleep time (2.16±0.35) points, sleep efficiency (2.01±0.29) points, sleep disorder (2.16±0.34) points, hypnotic drugs (1.83±0.26) points and daytime dysfunction (2.18±0.29) points of the ART group were higher than those of the outpatient group and the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions The psychological status and sleep quality of the female infertility patients treated with ART in Ma’anshan city are poorer, the quality of life and sexual life are lower. Then appropriate psychological intervention should be given to improve their quality of life in order to improve the pregnancy outcome of these patients.
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